why does TMZ exist? No I'm really asking. . .

January 8, 2020. Wazzup blog? Today I'll be addressing the documentary we watched in class. The movie talked alot about how women in the media are fat shamed and told to change their appearance, while apparently there are no issues with the way men look. The question was brought up, is it better now? I think while it's not as bad as it was, it's still not great. I got home last weekend and TMZ was on (which by the way annoys the heck out of me and I always try and turn off) and something caught my eye. They were playing a game where the heads were cut off from women's bodys and they were to guess who it was. This is already an offencive 'game' but the comments they were making about the women's bodies were so mean and terrible. Maybe the worst part of the whole thing was that the women were making a lot of the mean comments. We are already in a world where women are attacked by (some) men, I just don't see the appeal to do that to another girl. Also the fact that the heads were cut off of the bodies really dehumanizes the people and makes them more like objects. I saw the same thing again today when I was looking up something and an ad popped up that rated each Golden Globes dress and there were comments stuck on the ad that said "OH NO" and "NOT HER COLOR". Those types of comments really get to me because just let her wear what she wants to wear and if she feels confident in it then it is none of your business whether it's 'her color' or not. Anyways, sorry for my rant.Image result for TMZ sucks


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