i wish i was that creative...

December 5, 2020. Wazzup blog? Today I'll be talking about interpretation of books. A ton of amazing movies were previously books. But it is interesting to see how others interpret the books and how it's almost always different than what you imagined. For example, I've been reading the Harry Potter books recently and it's interesting to see which parts of the books were cut out from the movie for one reason or another or how the movies probably wouldn't make any sense without the prior knowledge of the books. Then, further down my wormhole of despair, I came across A Very Potter Musical, a componation of my two favorite things, Harry Potter and musicals. While watching it I was shocked by all of their weird but genius ideas. For example, the play took a look at Quirrell's life with Voldemort attached to the back of his head. I thought that it was a genius thing to write about because that thought never even crossed my mind when first reading the book. I just think it's very interesting to see the different interpretations that people can have on the same piece of literature.Image result for a very potter musicalImage result for quirrell and voldemort


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