
Image result for advertismentsImage result for ads
December 3, 2019 Hello! Welcome to my fourth ever post on megan's media rants!! :)  Today I will be talking about the appeal to lowercase letters and simplistic advertisements. I was looking online at different types of advertisements and I realized that at least for me, ads that are simple and have lower case font are much more appealing than those advertisements that have a chaotic image. The simplicity of the ad makes it into much more appealing aesthetic than just another product.  If you look at another advertisement such as the G-Fuel one, you can see that it is chaotic and too bright. Personally this makes the product much less appealing than one with simple print and a mute color. This may just be because I don't like the bright colors, and it looks like that ad may give me a headache, but the McDonalds ad is more appealing to me than the G-Fuel ad. Another thing about the McDonalds ad is that it says "The world's most universal word." when referring to the Big Mac. This very clearly shows the attempt to form a gang mentality around the product and make consumers feel a sort of brand loyalty to the big mac. See ya next time on megan's media rants.


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