December 15, 2019 Hello there, welcome to my bog. Today I will be talking about M&Ms. M&Ms have a series of commercials as well as fun branding. I think it's really interesting that the mascot of a product could be the product itself. Doesn't that seem kind of weird. The M&Ms are trying to get you to eat them. You'd think that would not be a great marketing strategy, but somehow it seems to work. When I see the mascots I don't want to eat the mascot, but I do really want other M&Ms. I just think its really interesting that that marketing strategy would work so well and pull in so customers. The little M&Ms that talk are also kind of creepy if you ask me. It's weird to see an M&M with arms talking. They have the voices of creepy villains from a Disney movie and it's very odd. They also are constantly angry with each other which again is a weird thing to associate your brand with. They have another commercial where the two M&Ms are in someone's living room and then the people try to eat them. No judgment but that's a weird commercial to get people to buy your product. That commercial is giving the implicit message that M&Ms are so good that they are worth killing over.
Image result for m&m mascotsIs that not creepy???


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